Weekly Photo Challenge: Delicate

Coming in on the tail end but that’s OK.  This week’s challenge, Delicate. And I can’t pick one picture so you get a few. You don’t mind right?

Click photos for galley view.

Each morning is precious whether the sun blesses us with its warmth or decides to sleep in. We have a finite amount of hours to do an infinite number of things. We can make dreams come true, or at least move in that direction. We can waste the day stuck in the mire of the obstacles in our lives. We have more power over them than we exercise. Glorifying “I can’t…” holds us back. So if we fail to embrace the greatness of waking, (if we’re lucky) we get another crack at it.

Delicate is rhythm between two people. They don’t have to look at each other, yet reaching simultaneously they know the other is synchronized to their movements.

A simple embrace. Holding each other as a symbol of holding on to a moment or a view taken in. A physical snapshot, a memory shared with the warmth and touch of another attached.

Youth and all its magnificent frailty. We come into this world so openso trusting. Time makes fossils of the quirks that made us special turning them into personality defects. Youth is a blank slate marred by rules and regulations way too soon. We come to a tipping point. We attempt to infuse some of our former awesomeness into our adult lives. Then we learn balance is a life-long goal.

Too small to cross the street by myself in this shot. But I chased the hell outta that pigeon! So much fearlessness back then. 

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